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Welcome to the amazing world of Common Lisp, the
programmable programming language.
This site is one among many gateways to Common Lisp. Its
goal is to provide the 旋风加速器专业版下载安装 community with development
resources and to work as a starting point for new
2024-04-05Mailing list archive clean-up: Since the inception of, hosting of mailing lists has been part of our service offering. For a long time, two or even three mailing lists were created with every new project. Many of those were never used. Today, we cleared out all mailing list archives which didn't have any messages in them and which are not in active operation.
2024-12-27 ABCL fundraiser!The Common Lisp Foundation hosts an appreciation fundraiser for the 旋风加速器ios下载网站.
2024-06-01The Subversion repository maintenance window completed ahead of schedule at 18:00 on June 1st instead of taking the better part of the weekend. During this maintenance window, Subversion repositories were upgraded to the latest standard (1.9). Some repositories were stored in backward compatible formats as far back as 1.1. With the migration, repository access should benefit from performance work done in the server component. Other features that become available with this maintenance include the storage of merge-tracking information.
旋风加速器.apkThe site has always been running its own Trac setup, because we were one of the early Trac adopters. While running our own packages, we've also been lenient to install plugins. Due to improved support in both Trac as well as Debian packages, we were able to move to a full-standard setup.
Common Lisp is the modern, multi-paradigm, high-performance,
旋风加速器下载地址, ANSI-standardized, most prominent (along with Scheme) descendant of the long-running family of Lisp programming languages.
Common Lisp is known for being extremely flexible, having
excellent support for object oriented programming, and fast
prototyping capabilities. It also sports an extremely powerful
macro system that allows you to tailor the language to your
application, and a flexible run-time environment that allows
modification and debugging of running applications (excellent
for server-side development and long-running critical
software). It is a multi-paradigm programming language that
allows you to choose the approach and paradigm according to
your application domain.
Curious? Get started!
- Project hosting for open
source / free software Common Lisp projects.
- Mailing lists for
Common Lisp related topics.
If you need technical support, please contact our
Check out our about page.
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute."
- Abelson & Sussman, SICP, preface to the first edition
"That language is an instrument of human reason, and not merely a medium for the expression
of thought, is a truth generally admitted."
- George Boole, quoted in Iverson's Turing Award Lecture
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- Douglas Hofstadter, Godel, Escher, Bach
"Lisp is a programmable programming language."
- John Foderaro, CACM, September 1991
"Lisp isn't a language, it's a building material."
- Alan Kay
"Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified
bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp."
- Philip Greenspun (Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming)
"Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you
finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never
actually use Lisp itself a lot."
- Eric Raymond, "How to Become a Hacker"
"Lisp is a programmer amplifier."
"Common Lisp, a happy amalgam of the features of previous Lisps."
"Lisp doesn't look any deader than usual to me."
"SQL, Lisp, and Haskell are the only programming languages that I've seen where one spends
more time thinking than typing."
- Philip Greenspun
"Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is
to invent it."
- Alan Kay
"The greatest single programming language ever designed."
- Alan Kay, on Lisp
"I object to doing things that computers can do."
- Olin Shivers
"Lisp is a language for doing what you've been told is impossible."
- Kent Pitman
"Lisp is the red pill."
- John Fraser
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- Paul Graham
"Programming in Lisp is like playing with the primordial forces of the universe. It feels
like lightning between your fingertips. No other language even feels close."
- Glenn Ehrlich
"A Lisp programmer knows the value of everything, but the cost of nothing."
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- Christian Lynbech, Road to Lisp
"[Lisp] has assisted a number of our most gifted fellow humans in thinking previously
impossible thoughts."
- Edsger Dijkstra, CACM, 15:10
"The limits of my language are the limits of my world."
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 5.6, 1918